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Stanabol 50 (Stanozolol) British...
Sustanon It is oil mixture of four testosterone ester. Sustanon is almost identical as Omnadren. But in Sustanon is extra testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. Sustanon is produced in Egypt, the Netherlands, Turkey, Pakistan. Sustanon has been working since the first day due to testosterone propionate and phenylpropionate. As a final act ceases ester decanaote around third to fourth week after administration. Sustanon is among middle androgens cause acne, increased aggression and sexual desire. After completion of bark Sustanon is a need to take HCG, Clomid. Dale Sustanon causes water retention in the body.
Sustanon It is oil mixture of four testosterone ester. Sustanon is almost identical as Omnadren. But in Sustanon is extra testosterone isocaproate and testosterone decanoate. Sustanon is produced in Egypt, the Netherlands, Turkey, Pakistan. Sustanon has been working since the first day due to testosterone propionate and phenylpropionate. As a final act ceases ester decanaote around third to fourth week after administration. Sustanon is among middle androgens cause acne, increased aggression and sexual desire. After completion of bark Sustanon is a need to take HCG, Clomid. Dale Sustanon causes water retention in the body.
50mg/ml Trenbolone Acetate + 50mg/ml Testosterone Propionate + 50mg/ml Drostanolone Propionate
Subname: Testosterone mix U.S.P. 250mgContents: 250mg / ml Testosterone mix U.S.P. (10x1ml amp)
Andropen 275, Testosterone Mix, 275 mg/1 ml, 10 ml, British Dragon
MX 197, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Testosterone blend, Max Pro, 197 mg/ml 10 ml
Mix Products Injection (Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone)