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GHRP-6 is a potent stimulator of the natural release of growth hormone. GHRP-6 is a hexapeptide which supports reception of food by stimulating hunger and helps increase energy metabolism. Growth hormone releasing peptides, GHRP-6 like, are usually used for the treatment in the absence of growth hormone (GH), eating disorders, obesity, etc. Research has shown that the use of these HGH active peptides increases body mass, strength, endurance and reduce body fat.
- GHRP-6 causes a significant increase in muscle mass and strength
- GHRP-6 to reduce the percentage of body fat
- GHRP-6 is a powerful anti-aging effect, provides rejuvenating effects
- GHRP-6 improves the condition of skin and hair, promotes collagen production, helping to smooth wrinkles
- GHRP-6 delivers high quality and perfect deep sleep and regeneration and recovery of the body during sleep
- GHRP-6 strengthens the immune system
- GHRP-6 increases bone strength
- GHRP-6 restores liver
- GHRP-6 is anti-inflammatory
The optimum rate of GHRP-6: subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, the optimal dose of GHRP-6 was 1 mcg / kg Net 1 body weight 3 times per day. For anabolic purposes (growth of muscle mass and strength) can be used GHRP-6 times during the day (3-4 doses) for the purpose of anti-aging treatment is the most important that the GHRP-6 mainly take before bedtime. Storage conditions: 2-8 degrees Celsius (refrigerator).
GHRP not simply surrounded by GHRH. GHRP-6 is a specific activator of artificial newly discovered receptor called growth hormone receptor sektretagógu (GHS-R). Before long, it was discovered ghrelin, an endogenous ligand that binds to GHS-R. Synthetic ghrelin also have a compound as GHRP-6 is named "growth hormone secretagogues." One side effect of the GHRP-6 was a significant increase in appetite, whereas stimulates the release of ghrelin, a peptide which is naturally excreted in the walls of the stomach and increases the appetite and gastric emptying. GHRP-6 stimulates the anterior pituitary, which increases the release of growth hormone. Increased amounts of growth hormone may increase the secretion of the hormone IGF-1 in the liver, which improves the body's ability to burn fat and build muscle. Whereas GHRP-6 acts directly on a feedback loop that indicates the inhibition of growth hormone release, it can re-stimulate the production of growth hormone.